
Past and Present

We hope that all readers of Ratoath Past and Present, young and not so young, will gain a greater awareness of the richness of the past history of Ratoath as presented here.We also hope that it will help to prepare the young Ratoath people for differences and perspectives, and assist them towards an understanding and appreciation of diversity across the community.

What kind of Ratoath are we hoping to build for the future? A Ratoath that embraces change and is progressive yes! But a Ratoath also that walks into the future holding on to the core values that have served us so well and so long -love of place, love of parish, love of community, commitment to enterprise and regeneration, welcome for the stranger. The fact that we as a community have taken the time and energy to produce a publication of the length, width and depth of "Ratoath Past and Present" underscores that statement of intent loudly and clearly.

A final thought …

“Our heritage is not ours to dispose of as we see fit, for we only have it in trust and must account for it to those who come after us”.

Available in two formats:

Hardback - €40
Softback - €25

On sale at:

Tony Darby's Butcher's Shop, Main Street
Terry Brady's Esso Garage, Fairyhouse
Johnny Ryan's, NearBuy Convenience Shop, Main Street
Ratoath Books, Unit 2, Centrepoint, Ratoath
Ratoath Community Centre, Main Street
Ratoath Parish Office


Past and Present

Past and Present